Saturday 7 April 2012

Colombo undergoes a facelift

Recently I was in Colombo, and I could see a sea of difference,  It was CLEAN, green and beautiful.  It turns out that the president's brother is in charge of urban development.  He being in-charge of the Military, the Military is also supporting the drive to beautify Colombo.  Although I have not been to other cities of Sri Lanka, I am told similar changes are in place there too. 

Another thing I was happy about was, people are on street even around 9 PM, without the fear of being mugged or harassed.  Street cafes at Galle Face green were crowded, women with plenty of jewelry, sitting enjoying the breeze from the sea. 

Now that there are hardly any military check points, I think Colombo offers a very good value for money for many tourists.

Very Good.

1 comment:

  1. I have always to visit Sri Lanka, but the fear of war and things you mentioned were a barrier for me. It really feels good where you see the difference peace brings to the life style of people. I pray for peace for all people on earth.


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