Thursday, 19 April 2012

What will make me quit?

I had been on the move since the 6th of March, and today is 18th April.  I will return to Delhi only on the 29th April.  In between 22 flights in total.  I am just tired.  I ended up going to a doctor yesterday to get some antibiotics, cough mixture and paracetamol.  I wonder why I do this?

I recall an essay by an American journalist commenting on Rick Santorum's decision to run for presidency, despite seven kids, one of them very badly ailing.  The columninst asks rhetorically, does he really have to do this?  Then why is she doing this? And she concludes that it is a personal obsession with the position made him run.  Last week he pulled out, fearing that he will lose his home state primary.

So, what will make me quit?

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Genius of Human Brain Vs Nature

If anyone wants to see how man has challenegd nature and getting away, they should visit South-western Bangladesh, especially the polders near Sundar Bon (Beautiful Forest).  During the 60's and 70's, what was then East Pakistan, with the help of Americans built 4000 km of embankment, comprising 92 polders, along the coast of Bay of Bengal.  These structures are supporting a poulation density of 900 people per sq km.  In comparison, Sri Lanka has a population density of 300, and it is considered crowded.  The polders have kept sea water intrusion away, depite tidal movement of rivers, up to 5 m up and down, twice a day.

I was fortunate to be there in March, well ahead of monsoons, and well after monsoons.  I am told that that the whole area is under water from August till October, houses kept well above water on pillars.  When I visited, everything looked luscious and green.  Beautifully laid rice bays intermimgled with ghers where freshwater fish and shrimp were grown.

To my surprise, the school children looked healthy, and happy, on their way to and from school.

I was warned, that in a few months, another cyclone may come, destroy everything, often just before harvest.  BUT, I am also told, that people will stay back and rebuild.

It was all big pleasant surprise to me, a person, who folllowed the independence war of Bangladesh very closely, and always felt sorry for a nation, which does not need my sympathies.

Way to go Bangladesh!

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Colombo undergoes a facelift

Recently I was in Colombo, and I could see a sea of difference,  It was CLEAN, green and beautiful.  It turns out that the president's brother is in charge of urban development.  He being in-charge of the Military, the Military is also supporting the drive to beautify Colombo.  Although I have not been to other cities of Sri Lanka, I am told similar changes are in place there too. 

Another thing I was happy about was, people are on street even around 9 PM, without the fear of being mugged or harassed.  Street cafes at Galle Face green were crowded, women with plenty of jewelry, sitting enjoying the breeze from the sea. 

Now that there are hardly any military check points, I think Colombo offers a very good value for money for many tourists.

Very Good.

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